Consciousness state research, consciousness, unconscious, neuroarchitecture, brain states, human competence, learning, education e aprendizado.
Consciousness state research
altered stes of consciousness
Hard problems of consciousness
Brain states
Human competence
Latam early childhood education
Neurociência do aprendizado
Educação no séc 21
Translational education
Consciousness state research00:00:00 - 03:03:00 Consciousness state research |
Consciousness state research - consciousness03:03:00 - 05:25:00 consciousness |
Consciousness state research - Altered states of consciousness05:25:00 - 07:20:00 Altered states of consciousness |
Consciousness state research - unconscious07:20:00 - 08:10:00 unconscious |
Consciousness state research - Neuroarchitecture08:10:00 - 09:23:00 Neuroarchitecture |
Consciousness state research - Hard problems of consciousness09:23:00 - 12:43:00 Hard problems of consciousness |
Brain states12:43:00 - 13:26:00 Brain states |
Human competence13:26:00 - 14:43:00 Human competence |
Human competence - brain development14:43:00 - 15:30:00 brain development |
Learning & memory - Learning15:30:00 - 17:24:00 Learning |
Human competence - Latam early childhood education17:24:00 - 20:30:00 Latam early childhood education |
Learning & memory - Neurociência do aprendizado20:30:00 - 21:29:00 Neurociência do aprendizado |
Translational education - Educação no séc. 2121:29:00 - 23:12:00 Educação no séc. 21 |
Translational education23:12:00 - 23:59:00 Translational education |
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