Jackson Cionek
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, Functional Connectivity - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
Implicit Learning
High Time to Unravel the Neuronal Computations
Localization of Function in Times of Network Science
Development of the Social Brain in Adolescence and Effects of Social Distancing
Deep Dives into Neural Population Activity
Metacognitive Foundations of Consciousness
Kids Education Implicit Learning
The power of vulnerability
Memory and Learning
neurophysics EEG fMRI ERP NIRS fNIRS TMS
Neurophysics open position for professor Neurophysics and Medical Physics
Video Sync Lab
Functional Connectivity
EEG and connectivity
Brain TED conferences
Neuroscience Meetings
SfN 2018 - Neuroscience Meeting
Neuroscience Meetings
OHBM 2019 - Meeting
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, Functional Connectivity - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
BrainTV*Be free to type in English, Português o español en el mismo email.
Implicit Learning
Localization of Function in Times of Network Science
Development of the Social Brain in Adolescence and Effects of Social Distancing
Deep Dives into Neural Population Activity
Metacognitive Foundations of Consciousness
Kids Education Implicit Learning
The power of vulnerability
Memory and Learning
neurophysics EEG fMRI ERP NIRS fNIRS TMS
Neurophysics open position for professor Neurophysics and Medical Physics
Video Sync Lab
Functional Connectivity
EEG and connectivity
Brain TED conferences
Neuroscience Meetings
SfN 2018 - Neuroscience Meeting
Neuroscience Meetings
OHBM 2019 - Meeting
Implicit Learning, Memory and Learning, Functional Connectivity - EEG ERP NIRS fNIRS Cognitive Neuroscience CNS 2022
*Be free to type in English, Português o español en el mismo email.
00:00:00 - 01:34:00 Implicit Learning |
01:34:00 - 03:46:00 Kids Education Implicit Learning |
03:46:00 - 05:17:00 The power of vulnerability |
05:17:00 - 06:44:00 Memory and Learning |
06:44:00 - 08:46:00 Video Sync Lab |
08:46:00 - 12:14:00 Functional Connectivity |
12:14:00 - 15:33:00 EEG and connectivity |
15:33:00 - 17:04:00 Brain TED conferences |
17:04:00 - 18:18:00 Neuroscience Meetings |
18:18:00 - 21:05:00 SfN 2018 - Neuroscience Meeting |
21:05:00 - 23:59:00 OHBM 2019 - Meeting |
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