Jackson Cionek

Neuroscience of Consciousness, Overt and Covert Attention, Neuroglia and consciousness - EEG MicroStates, EEG Active electrode, EEG and Sleep, Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos

Neuroscience of Consciousness, Overt and Covert Attention, Neuroglia and consciousness - EEG MicroStates, EEG Active electrode, EEG and Sleep, Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos

Jackson Cionek - Neuroscience of Consciousness Overt and Covert Attention Neuroglia and consciousness
Jackson Cionek - Neuroscience of Consciousness Overt and Covert Attention Neuroglia and consciousness

Neuroscience of Consciousness:

The neuroscience of consciousness is a field of study that aims to understand how neural processes give rise to subjective conscious experiences. It investigates the neural mechanisms underlying various aspects of consciousness, such as perception, attention, memory, self-awareness, and decision-making. Researchers use various techniques, including neuroimaging (such as fMRI and EEG), neural recordings, and computational modeling, to explore the relationship between brain activity and conscious experiences.

Overt and Covert Attention:

Overt attention refers to the conscious directing of attention to a specific stimulus or location in the environment. It involves the movement of sensory organs, such as the eyes or head, towards the attended stimulus. Overt attention can be observed and measured objectively.

Covert attention, on the other hand, refers to the allocation of attention without any observable movement of sensory organs. It involves selectively processing certain stimuli or locations in the absence of physical orienting. Covert attention can be measured indirectly through behavioral tasks or neuroimaging techniques.

Neuroglia and Consciousness:

Neuroglia, also known as glial cells, are non-neuronal cells that provide support and protection to neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). They play crucial roles in maintaining the structure and function of the nervous system. While neurons are traditionally associated with information processing and the generation of conscious experiences, recent research suggests that neuroglia may also have a role in modulating consciousness.

Emerging evidence indicates that neuroglia, particularly astrocytes, interact with neurons and influence synaptic transmission, neural plasticity, and information processing in the brain. Disruptions in neuroglial function have been implicated in various neurological and psychiatric disorders that involve alterations in consciousness, such as coma, epilepsy, and certain types of anesthesia. However, the precise mechanisms by which neuroglia contribute to consciousness are still being investigated.

EEG MicroStates:

EEG (electroencephalography) microstates refer to short-lived, quasi-stable patterns of electrical activity observed in the brain. EEG measures the electrical potentials generated by neuronal activity using electrodes placed on the scalp. By analyzing the EEG signal, researchers can identify recurring patterns of electrical activity known as microstates.

Microstates are thought to reflect the functional organization of large-scale brain networks. Different microstates are associated with specific cognitive processes or mental states, such as attention, perception, or memory. Studying EEG microstates provides insights into the dynamic spatiotemporal patterns of brain activity underlying conscious experiences.

EEG Active Electrode:

In EEG recordings, active electrodes are used to measure electrical potentials generated by neuronal activity. They are placed on specific locations on the scalp and detect electrical signals originating from the underlying brain regions.

Active electrodes typically consist of a conductive material (such as silver or gold) and are connected to an amplifier or data acquisition system. They are designed to minimize noise and artifacts during signal acquisition, allowing for more accurate measurement of brain activity.

EEG and Sleep:

EEG is a widely used technique to study sleep and its different stages. During sleep, the brain exhibits characteristic patterns of electrical activity that can be observed and analyzed using EEG.

Sleep is typically divided into several stages, including non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Each stage is associated with distinct patterns of EEG activity. For example, NREM sleep is characterized by slow-wave activity, while REM sleep is characterized by desynchronized and rapid electrical activity resembling wakefulness.

EEG recordings during sleep help researchers study sleep architecture, sleep disorders, and the relationship between sleep and conscious experiences. Sleep stages can be identified based on specific EEG features, allowing for the investigation of sleep patterns and abnormalities.

Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos:

"Sono ciclo vigília e sonhos" translates to "sleep-wake cycle and dreams" in English. The sleep-wake cycle refers to the natural rhythm of alternating periods of wakefulness and sleep that individuals experience. It is regulated by the circadian system, which influences the timing and duration of sleep and wakefulness.

Dreams, on the other hand, are a phenomenon that occurs during sleep, particularly during the REM sleep stage. Dreams are vivid, sensory experiences that often involve complex narratives, emotions, and visual imagery. They are thought to be influenced by brain activity and may play a role in memory consolidation and emotional processing.

The sleep-wake cycle and dreams are interconnected, with dreams typically occurring during specific stages of sleep, such as REM sleep. The study of sleep and dreams involves various scientific disciplines, including sleep medicine, neuroscience, and psychology, to better understand the functions and mechanisms underlying these phenomena.

La conciencia humana puede entenderse desde dos perspectivas: objetiva y subjetiva. La conciencia objetiva se refiere a la capacidad de una persona para tomar conciencia de su entorno y de los eventos que ocurren en él. Es la capacidad de percibir, comprender y analizar la realidad de manera objetiva, basada en información externa y observable.

Por otro lado, la conciencia subjetiva se refiere a la experiencia interna y personal de la conciencia. Es la capacidad de experimentar sensaciones, emociones y pensamientos de manera subjetiva, basada en la percepción individual y en la interpretación personal de la realidad.

Dentro de la conciencia subjetiva, también se pueden distinguir diferentes modos de funcionamiento. Se habla de conciencia activa cuando una persona está plenamente consciente y participa activamente en su experiencia, tomando decisiones y siendo consciente de su propia existencia y agencia. La conciencia reactiva se refiere a respuestas automáticas y subconscientes a estímulos o eventos, sin una participación consciente y deliberada. Y la conciencia pasiva implica una menor participación consciente y una mayor influencia de las experiencias y estímulos externos.

En cuanto a las competencias político-sociales mencionadas, como el sentimiento social, la influencia interpersonal, las habilidades de networking y la interacción con las normas constitucionales y la sinceridad evidente, estas están relacionadas con la capacidad de interactuar y relacionarse efectivamente con otras personas en contextos políticos y sociales. Estas competencias implican una comprensión de las dinámicas sociales, la capacidad de influir en los demás, establecer conexiones y redes, y actuar de acuerdo con las normas y valores establecidos en la sociedad.

En relación con las neurociencias, se ha investigado mucho sobre la conciencia humana y cómo se relaciona con el cerebro. Existen diferentes teorías y modelos que intentan explicar los procesos cerebrales implicados en la conciencia, pero aún hay muchos aspectos que no se comprenden completamente. Las neurociencias también han explorado cómo la conciencia se relaciona con otros aspectos cognitivos, como el comportamiento, la percepción, la conciencia de uno mismo y la intuición.

En resumen, la conciencia humana puede entenderse desde una perspectiva objetiva y subjetiva, con diferentes modos de funcionamiento. Las competencias político-sociales están relacionadas con la capacidad de interactuar y relacionarse efectivamente en contextos políticos y sociales. Las neurociencias han investigado la conciencia y su relación con el cerebro y otros aspectos cognitivos.

Overt and Covert Attention | Consciência

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva) Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human. Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente. Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make Intuiting Neurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuiting Objective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive) Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.

Neuroscience of Consciousness | Consciência

Neuroglia and consciousness | Consciência

EEG MicroStates | EEG Microstates 

Los mapas de actividad que obtenemos mediante EEG pueden ser vistos como mapas generados por distribuciones de neuronas activas en el cerebro, y si obtenemos mapas distintos podemos asumir que les corresponden a diferentes microestados.

EEG active Electrodes | EEG Active electrode

EEG active Electrodes | EEG Smartting 

Sleep | EEG and Sleep

Sleep | Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos

Políticas Públicas UFABC | Neuroscience Centers 

Neuroscience Centers



00:00:00 - 02:17:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.


02:17:00 - 05:56:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.


05:56:00 - 08:48:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.


08:48:00 - 09:37:00

Los mapas de actividad que obtenemos mediante EEG pueden ser vistos como mapas generados por distribuciones de neuronas activas en el cerebro, y si obtenemos mapas distintos podemos asumir que les corresponden a diferentes microestados.


09:37:00 - 10:39:00

EEG Active electrode


10:39:00 - 12:09:00

EEG Smartting


12:09:00 - 15:41:00

EEG and Sleep


15:41:00 - 18:04:00

Sono Ciclo Vigília e Sonhos


18:04:00 - 23:59:00

Neuroscience Centers

#eegmicrostates #neurogliainteractions #eegmicrostates #eegnirsapplications #physiologyandbehavior #neurophilosophy #translationalneuroscience #bienestarwellnessbemestar #neuropolitics #sentienceconsciousness #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #culturalneuroscience #agingmaturityinnocence #affectivecomputing #languageprocessing #humanking #fruición #wellbeing #neurophilosophy #neurorights #neuropolitics #neuroeconomics #neuromarketing #translationalneuroscience #religare #physiologyandbehavior #skill-implicit-learning #semiotics #encodingofwords #metacognitionmindsetpremeditation #affectivecomputing #meaning #semioticsofaction #mineraçãodedados #soberanianational #mercenáriosdamonetização
Author image

Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States