
Post-Modern Cooperative Education - Learning to Regenerate the World

Post-Modern Cooperative Education - Learning to Regenerate the World

A powerful and necessary vision for our time, envisioning an educational system that integrates ancestral knowledge, evidence-based science, ethical technologies, and a non-competitive, regenerative approach.

Tekohabitat - Post-Modern Cooperative Education


Tekohabitat - Educação Cooperativa Pós-Moderna
Tekohabitat - Educação Cooperativa Pós-Moderna

1. Learning is Belonging: The Damasian Mind and Human Quorum Sensing

The idea that “learning is belonging” aligns with the notion that education should not be an isolated process, but rather a collective experience integrated with the body, territory, and community. The Damasian Mind (inspired by António Damásio) reminds us that consciousness and learning emerge from the interaction between body, emotions, and environment. Human Quorum Sensing (the idea that we evolve together, like a colony) reinforces that learning is more effective when done in groups, collaboratively.

   - Outdoor classes, where the territory itself becomes the classroom.

   - Community projects that connect students to real-world problems (e.g., river restoration, agroforestry).

   - Use of technologies to create collaborative learning networks (e.g., knowledge-sharing platforms).


2. Evidence-Based Science and Living Knowledge: The Dialogue between Tradition and Modernity

The proposal to integrate modern science and ancestral knowledge is one of the most revolutionary pillars of Cooperative Education. This means validating traditional knowledge without subjugating it, creating a horizontal dialogue between different forms of knowing.

   - Partnerships between scientists and indigenous communities to research medicinal plants or sustainable management techniques.

   - Use of scientific methods to document and preserve ancestral practices (e.g., cataloging indigenous languages with AI).

   - Classes that combine indigenous mythologies with concepts from physics, chemistry, or biology.


3. Technologies for Cooperation: AI and Social Networks Serving the Community

Technology need not be a tool for surveillance or profit. In Cooperative Education, it's a tool to strengthen community bonds and democratize access to knowledge.

   - Generative AI: To create collaborative narratives in indigenous languages or generate solutions for local problems.

   - Community social networks: Decentralized platforms where users control the data and moderation rules.

   - Augmented reality (AR): To map ancestral stories on the territory or teach ecology in an immersive way.


4. No Grades, No Rankings: We Learn Together

Assessment in Cooperative Education is not based on competition but on collective contribution and real impact. This means replacing exams and grades with projects that transform the community.

   - Regeneration projects: Students work in teams to reforest degraded areas or create sustainable solutions.

   - Learning diaries: Personal and community reflections on the educational process.

   - Assessment assemblies: Collective decisions about students' progress based on contributions to the community.


5. Financing the Future: Solidarity Economy in Education

The financial sustainability of Cooperative Education can be achieved through alternative models such as solidarity economy and crowdfunding.

   - Social currencies: Exchange systems that value knowledge and community work.

   - DREX Cidadão: Economic models that ensure access to education without financial exploitation.

   - Community microeconomies: Projects that generate sustainable resources, like reforestation funded by carbon credits.


6. Regenerate, Not Just Teach: The Greater Purpose

Cooperative Education is not just about transmitting knowledge but about regenerating the world. This means rescuing what has been lost, silenced, or destroyed, and building a more just and sustainable future.

   - Environmental justice projects: Students learn about ecology while helping to recover local ecosystems.

   - Regenerative technologies: Using AI and other tools to create solutions that regenerate the planet (e.g., clean energy systems, sustainable agriculture).

   - Intercultural dialogue: Integrating traditional and modern knowledge to create innovative solutions.

System Name: "Tekohabitat - Post-Modern Cooperative Education"

- Tekoha: Represents the "place where the way of being is realized" (Guarani concept), connecting territory, community, and harmony.

- Habitat: Symbolizes the coexistence between humans, nature, and technologies, in a learning ecosystem.

- Post-Modern: Reflects the break with colonial models and the construction of a new educational paradigm.


 Tekoha - Educação Cooperativa Pós-Moderna
Tekoha - Educação Cooperativa Pós-Moderna

Tekoha - Post-Modern Cooperative Education

Post-Modern Cooperative Education is not just an alternative to the current system; it's a call to regenerate the world through cooperation, ancestral wisdom, and ethical technology. As Ailton Krenak said:

We don't want to be included in your collapsing world; we want to help build a new one.

This education is already happening in small projects around the world. Now, it's time to expand it, connect it, and make it the foundation of a new educational system.

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Jackson Cionek

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